About Us

Chad Bartholomew
Hello, my name is Chad Bartholomew, I love working out of the Upstate office for Gibbs Realty located in Easley SC. The family atmosphere which Gibbs realty has provided has taught me an important lesson about real estate, You cannot get what you do not give. Although, I've spent the majority of my life working in logistics, I have found a new passion in bringing people joy through buying and selling real-estate. I love to see the smiles it brings when people open a new chapter of their lives through home ownership. Whether it be a 1st time home buyer or someone who has decided to move into another home, the excitement is contagious. At 41 years old I started practicing real estate in 2017, I wanted to find something I love, that I could do as long as I wanted to well into my later years. My wife and I are high school sweethearts, we met at 15 and in 2017 we celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. We have 3 beautiful daughters that we are proud of and thankful that they made our jobs as parents easy, there are great kids. My wife and I love serving God through Georges Creek Baptist Church in the Awana ministry. I look forward to serving you as you pursue finding your dream home through Gibbs realty.